26 December 2007

The Gladiators for God e-book series

This is Pieter de Waal with the eighth article of
the "God's Process for His Purposes" e-course.

God's Process for His Purposes
Part 8 - "The G4G e-book series"

Last week I shared with you about my Gladiators for God
e-book series and about the first e-book in In the Gladiators for God series, called Lose Your Load,

Lose Your Load, teaches you about the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. It explains how the kingdom of darkness operates and how to counter it.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.

To understand God's working with us and in us, we also need to understand who we ourselves are and how we function.
Lose Your Load goes into very specific details regarding the various elements that make us who we are and how we interact with the world, with the spiritual realm and even within ourselves.

Lose Your Load also shows you how the enemy tries to affect you in each area of your life and how these attacks can be countered by using the Helmet of Salvation and the Breastplate of Righteousness.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.

These chapters are as powerful as it gets. They cover demonology and spiritual warfare and contain tools for
setting you free and giving you a victorious life.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.

Knowing the armor of God is knowing Jesus. Each weapon in the armor reflects a different part of His character and as you get to know Him better, your armor accordingly gets strengthened.

All these phases are clearly demarcated in the
Tabernacle of Moses, which is also a picture of Jesus.

The other two books in the G4G series are called
Dare to Dream and Grab the Glory respectively. They will soon be available in e-book format. Dare to dream covers God's process as it relates to the Holy Place of the tabernacle and Grab the Glory as it relates to the Most Holy Place.

The Gladiators for God series as a whole will provide you with a step-by-step guide for your spiritual walk, showing you all the divine phases and providing you with the required tools for making all the transitions.


PS. This is the last article of the God's Process for His Purposes e-course. I want to thank you for doing this e-course. May God bless you and keep you!

17 December 2007

The Transitions

This is Pieter de Waal with the seventh article of
the "God's Process for His Purposes" e-course.

God's Process for His Purposes
Part 7 - "The Transitions"

In my previous session, I demonstrated to you that for God's promises to you to come true you must activate them by progressively entering deeper into Christ as depicted by the Tabernacle of Moses. Today I am going to speak about the various transitions in your spiritual growth.

The entrances of the tabernacle were respectively known
by the Israelites as "the way", "the truth" and "the life".

The Way was the name of the gate into the outer court,
The Truth was the name of the door to the holy place and
The Life was the name of the veil to the holy of holies.

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life;
no one goes to the Father except by me
." [John 14:6]

The Tabernacle is therefore a shadow of Jesus Himself.

Only in and through Jesus can we get to the Father
only at the Father can God's promises to us be fulfilled.

Looking at the Tabernacle, we note that it was divided into three main parts. Of these three, the Outer Court could be entered by anyone, but the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place could only be entered by priests and by High Priests respectively.

Those who desired to enter enter into the next part of the tabernacle first had to undergo special preparations before they could do so. The same is true for us. Unless we undergo special preparations, God will not allow us to pass from the one phase of our spiritual walk to the next.

Each if these transitions from one part to the next, will go hand in hand with a period of preparation and testing. If we want to enter into the fullness of what God has for us, we have to pass all these tests.

It helps to be prepared. Details of how to prepare yourself for each test will be made available in my ebooks.

The first of these e-books is available under the name
"Lose your Load" and covers he first part of the process, corresponding with the Outer Court of the Tabernacle.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.

Lose Your Load is not for sissies.

You will be confronted with the truth and you
will have to make decisions about your life.

If you are happy in your comfort zone, then this book is not for you. Once you start with this book, God will start with your life and he will not leave you alone until He is satisfied.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.

It is my belief that too many Christians have put up camp in the outer courts of their lives. Consequently, the Christian church has been deprived of much of its power.
You can make the difference! You'd better believe it.

Click here to get the Lose-Your-Load e-book.


In my next session, I will tell you more about the
Gladiators for God e-book series. Till then, God bless you.

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