18 November 2007

Only in Christ

This is Pieter de Waal with the fifth article of
the "God's Process for His Purposes" e-course.

Last week I spoke about spiritual growth and mentioned that there are phases that we have to pass through if we are to progress towards our divine destinies. This week I am going
to tell you more about this process.

God's Process for His Purposes
Part 5 - "Only in Christ"

Maybe you have heard people tell you that things
are not going well with you right now, because:

  • You are not a child of God!

  • You are living in sin!

  • You are not in God's will!

  • You don't have enough faith!

  • You are following a lie!

  • You are not speaking, proclaiming and pronouncing the right things!

  • You are not praying enough!

  • You are not working hard enough!

  • You are simply not called!

You will have many people preaching at you, each coming
at you from his or her own particular little bandwagon.

Well rest assured, most probably they are all,
totally and utterly wrong!

Each of these things above might or might not be an indication of your standing with God . . . depending on its own particular time or place or circumstances! It all depends on the specific phase of your spiritual life that you are in.

Remember . . .
all the promises of God must be
received in and through Christ.

“It is he who is the “Yes” to all of God’s promises. [2Co 1:20]

God’s promises can only be fulfilled in Christ.

“I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me.” [John 15:5]

Anything that you trust the Lord for, whether it is a house or a car, a husband or a wife, a career or a ministry, everything must be received by means of the same process. God is always working in you on more than one promise or purpose simultaneously.
Some of these will only take a few days, others might even take decades.

Click here to read more about God's process

To obtain success God's way, you must find out:

  • where you got stuck in God's process and

  • what you must do to proceed to the next step.

Click here to read more about God's process

God's plan for your life will take you
through many distinct phases

These phases are clearly demarcated in the structure of the Tabernacle of Moses as defined by God Himself.


In my next session, I will tell you more about the tabernacle of Moses and how God uses it to guide you on the way to your destiny. Till then, God bless you.

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